We are pleased to announce that the admission process for the academic year 2025-26 is now open. To Don't miss out on this opportunity! Enroll now by filling out the form. Click on the link below- https://forms.gle/oKxmaQDQCARd5bCc8 and secure your seat for a future filled with knowledge and success.
Author: sischool
Republic day and Kindergarten Graduation Day Celebration
The Republic Day Programme was organised with great patriotic fervour & grandeur in Scottish International School. The event was graced by Sh.Suresh Rana Ji (Former Cabinet Minister, Govt. of UP) , who delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of education and character-building and how can one become a valued assed for a country. Special...
Sports Award Ceremony
Congratulations to all our talented athletes and teams! This year’s Sports Award Ceremony was a day filled with pride, joy, and celebration as we honored the outstanding achievements of our students. From teamwork to individual excellence, our students have truly shown what dedication and hard work can achieve!
Food Fair organized by Students
To bring together the important theme of ‘Food’, a fun-filled food fair was organised at Scottish International School. The main objective behind the event was making the children aware of the names of various food items and the cultures they come from. Beautifully showcasing the signature dishes from different- different Indian states, the fair was...
Atharv Malviya got prize in Music Meerut zone competition
उत्तर प्रदेश संगीत नाटक अकादमी, लखनऊ द्वारा आयोजित संभागीय शास्त्रीय एवं सुगम संगीत प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन मेरठ मंडल के अंतर्गत मेरठ में किया गया । जिसमें विभिन्न शहरों से आए शास्त्रीय गायन ( ख्याल , तराना) में 22 एवं शास्त्रीय वादन में 18 प्रतिभागियों ने प्रतिभाग किया । स्कॉटिश इंटरनेशनल स्कूल शामली विद्यालय के विद्यार्थी...
Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme
In order to inculcate a desire to become entrepreneur among the students Scottish International School has devised a unique “Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme” (EOP) and was organised on November 08,2024. The Chief Guest of the occasion was Mr. Varun Jain , Director of Carrier Wheels Pvt. Ltd. and was warmly welcomed by distinguished guests including Mr.Rajeev...
Visit to Apna Ghar Ashram and Unity Run
Educational Visit to APNA GHAR ASHRAM with Class-IX Students students celebrated Diwali with Prabhuji of Apna Ghar Ashram . Students were taught the value of sharing, caring and service to mankind.….. Organized by the caring hands of the #ScottishFamily . #EducationalVisit #OldAgeHome #CommunityOutreach #lifeatscottish #scottishinternationalschoolshamli