Scottish International School organised a valediction ceremony to felicitate the sports champions who proved their mettle in Annual Sports Meet “SPARDHA”. It is an endeavor of the #scottishinternationalschoolshamli to identify sporting talent in the young students.
The Guest gallery was graced by Dr. Khursheed Anwer , Chairman of the school ,Sh. Rajkumar Garg; Board of Directors Mr.Rajeev Garg and Mr.Ritesh Garg,Administrator Mr.Pradeep Kumar and Principal Ms.Ashu Tyagi .
The programme started with the welcome song presented by the young singers of the school and the welcome address by the Principal Ma’am.The participants displayed immense grit and gusto in the tournament. Even the spectators relished the events and experienced the adrenaline rush. All the winners of the different events were awarded with medals.
Among the Four Houses of the school, Phoebians house became the champion of the session followed by the Spartans house.
Gladiators house bagged the third position.
Honourable Chief Guest appreciated the school for the efforts put by all in making the programme a success. In addition, he opined, Sports can drive out stress. Thus, each student should take part in the events sincerely for good health and happy life.
The programme ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms.Preeti Singh (PGT,English).
Ceremonial Retreat of the Annual Sports ends the event officially by leaving a lasting impact in the minds and hearts of the wonderful audience of the function. The events would be remembered by all because of the relentless supports of all the staff members of the school.