Republic day Celebration 2023

Republic day Celebration 2023
26th of January is a day to remember when India’s constitution came into force on January 26, 1950, completing the country’s transition toward becoming an independent republic.
Republic Day was celebrated with pride and patriotism at #scottishinternationalschoolshamli on 26th January 2023. The festivities commenced on a musical note. The rhythmic band of the school played a note which reverberated everyone with the feelings of patriotism. The entire school courtyard was resplendent in the shades of tricolour. The ceremony began with the hoisting of the tricolour the pride of Nation by the revered Chief Guest Mr.Prasanna Chaudhary, MLA -SHAMLI along with Board of Directors Mr.Rajeev Garg and Mr.Ritesh Garg, Administrator Mr.Pradeep Kumar accompanied by Principal Ms.Ashu Tyagi followed by the National Anthem.
It was followed by inspiring speeches on the significance of occasion the spectacular heel march past, dance and spectacular singing which

stole the hearts of everyone. The power and energy exhibited by youngsters was to be filling to the occasion and arced their commitment and dedication and assured of a brighter future ahead. The Chief Guest in his speech exhorted us to maintain the dignity of being a citizen of a Republic.
School Principal Ms.Ashu Tyagi inspired the students with her motivational words and told all the students to abide by the constitution of their motherland and fulfill all their duties as responsible citizens. The event concluded with the rendition of the National Anthem.