Student can avail the school conveyance subject to the availability of seats. The routes of the school buses are drawn up and the parents should consult the School Transport In-charge for necessary details.
1.No student should board/get down from the bus while it is in motion.
2.No student should take out his/her hand/head from the bus window.
3.All the students using the school bus are expected to be on the right side of the Bus Stops at least five minutes before the arrival of the bus.
4.The bus will not wait for the late comers.
5.The front door of the bus is only authorized entrance and exit.
6.The drivers are authorized to stop the bus at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the School authority. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters.
7.Unauthorized persons are not allowed to travel by School Buses.
8.Students should not damage, disfigure or destroy school property. Cost of any damage to cushions, covers, or any other fitting, fixtures, etc. in the bus shall be recovered from the parents of the student(s) concerned. Indiscipline in the bus will not be tolerated and may lead to debarring the student from travelling in the bus or even discontinuation of the bus service for him/her.
9. The use of bus facility cannot be discontinued in the middle of a session.